
“Meghan is a highly trained, experienced yoga teacher with a winsome personality who connects with people! A powerhouse of knowledge, she teaches the philosophy and practices of yoga in user-friendly ways. She is adept at developing yoga sequences that meet the unique needs of her students. Former students remember her lovingly and feel benefited by time spent in private sessions with her.”

-Mary NurrieStearns, psychotherapist, author, yoga and meditation teacher, public speaker
Muskogee, OK

“Meghan has been a true inspiration in my life as a person, yoga practitioner, and a teacher. I was fortunate enough to meet her in 2001 as my yoga teacher. It was her yoga knowledge, specific and detailed instructions, and charisma that kept me going back to her classes. With her energy and passion for a practice that nurtures body, mind, and soul, she kept encouraging me to deepen my practice and study yoga philosophy. Meghan, with her distinctive style, creates an atmosphere of reverence, allowing her participants to work at a deep level with energy and yet keep everyone focus on the integrity of mind and body. She is definitely one of the teachers on whose shoulders I stand, and am honored to be on a yoga path that she helped me pave.”

-Leo De Andrade
Middle School Teacher and Yoga Teacher
Tulsa, OK

“I had neve even considered trying yoga until I met Meghan Donnelly and after one session I ended up practicing with her weekly for 3 years. Meghan’s teaching style made yoga approachable and inviting. A gifted teacher, she crafts her lessons to each student and uses clear verbal cues to effectively communicate the skill she is teaching. Meghan is the rare type of person that fills each room she enters with positive energy and light. Her passion for practicing yoga and living a balanced life is infectious.”

-Nina Butkin, VP of Design
Tulsa, Oklahoma

“Meghan Donnelly is a fantastic yoga instructor! Her experience as a teacher, her dedication to her own practice, her study of yoga, and commitment to continuing education make her one of the best! As a student, I leave Meghan’s classes with a deeper understanding of my practice. I feel encouraged and inspired. Meghan can teach all levels and types of students, including those with injuries and special needs. Her classes are thoughtfully planned, and her cuing and instruction are clear and engaging. I first started practicing with Meghan in 2010. Because of her excellent instruction, I continue to have a robust and sustainable daily yoga practice many years later. I will forever grateful for the positive impact Meghan had on my life through the practice of yoga.”

-Jane Beckwith, high school and yoga teacher
Tulsa, OK

“About seven years ago a friend of mine suggested that I try some yoga to help relieve some knee pain that I was experiencing. Knowing nothing about yoga, I was thankful that, at the time, there were only a handful of studios around town, so I decided to try a class at each one of them. After a couple of less-than-captivating experiences, I was beginning to get discouraged and thought that yoga simply wasn’t for me. But, determined to honor my commitment to try every single studio in town, I finally ended up at Meghan Donnelly’s class – and from that point forward I never looked back! Having built an expectation that yoga classes would entail some form of ritualistic physical and mental exercises with an inevitable sprinkle of mysticism, I was surprised to find myself in front of a very real, approachable, cheerful, yet calm and uplifting professional, who was guiding people at a wide variety of skill levels, degrees of experience, flexibility, body strengths and builds into a progressively growing practice – all in a matter of a 60-90 minute session. Encouraged by the way I felt after the first few classes with Meghan and noticing the gradual improvement of my knee discomfort, I found myself coming back for more nearly every day of the week.

Meghan has a uniquely attuned approach to the needs – physical, emotional, and psychological – of her students. This allows her to meet every practitioner at his or her individual level of experience and offer a fully customized and relatable program for building up a yoga practice. Her refreshing style of compassionate, clear, direct, and realistic explanation of yoga concepts and their therapeutic effect on the body is solidly grounded in experience, study, and research. Her tangible examples of every-day challenges and experiences provides for a uniquely wholesome yoga practice for the body and the mind both on and off the mat. You simply cannot help but feel rejuvenated, uplifted and liberated at the end of a yoga session with Meghan. Gradually, you find that what begins as a friendly, yet professional rapport with an instructor begins blossoming into a growing sense of positivity, control, and calm permeating different aspects in your life: you gain physical strength and flexibility, as well as mental clarity, and are better able to address a variety of daily situations and relationships.

Meghan is generous and genuine in sharing her living experience of yoga. She offers meaningful illustrations of mindfulness, compassion, acceptance, perseverance through discomfort, deep understanding and fresh perspectives on the meaning and implications of daily situations and experiences and helps her students grow truly transformative lifestyle practices. While I’m very glad that my knees are now stronger than ever, I’m infinitely more grateful for the solid grounding that Meghan Donnelly has helped me build under my feet through guiding me not only through a health-enhancing physical practice, but a whole new approach to managing the daily twists and turns of life.”

-Dessie Apostolova, International business consultant
Tulsa, OK

Here are some candid comments shared by Inner Peace Yoga students about the yoga community that Meghan Donnelly founded in 2005, her teaching style and colleagues.

Being new to yoga I was considerably nervous starting out, but from my very first day Meghan made me feel very comfortable because of her uplifting, supportive, and gentle nature which inspires me to explore myself and my world through yoga. Practicing yoga on a regular basis has made me aware of the tension that I carry in my body and the importance of releasing it. Inner Peace Yoga is my safe haven. When I am in my yoga class, I can totally tune out the world’s demands and expectations of me and I always leave feeling invigorated and restored.
-Sasha, medical sonographer

What can I say? I have done yoga at other studios, the Y, etc. IPY is THE premier yoga studio in the State of Oklahoma … maybe even in the Southwest. All of the instructors are great. My favorite class is 7PM Tuesday Deep Stretch w/Meghan. I do cardio and strength training and find that yoga is the perfect balance to keep my muscles long and lean. It is also the best thing that I do for my mental health.
-Janet Guest,  CPA

My name is Jan Calabrese and I am a “Meghan addict”. I keep busy with my 2 home based businesses “Total Care” and “A flower Fetish” in addition to staying very active with my 3 children and 4 grandchildren all of which live in Tulsa. I discovered Meghan by accident at St. Francis Health Zone years ago because her Saturday yoga classes started after my Pilates class. I decided to try it and it is exactly what my body needs. I can see the benefits and recommend it to everyone I see-everywhere I go!
-Jan Calabrese, retired School Teacher

Inner Peace Yoga offers skilled Yoga instruction and a comfortable, peaceful environment where beneficial physical and mental changes can happen. If you let it! As a more than three year student of Yoga with Meghan as an instructor, I have been impressed with her very excellent (Very, very excellent!!) teaching skills, abilities and Yoga knowledge. Her classes have evolved me, an aging male, unfortunately too near 60, into a reasonably flexible, athletic, balanced (OK, OK balanced is probably an exaggeration!) person. The other parts of Yoga, the breathing and the meditation, have given me a means to mitigate the affects of a very stressful career as an IT consultant.
Meghan’s a Stella teacher! 🙂
-Bob McQuarrie, IT consultant

I love coming to Inner Peace Yoga because the experience allows me to practice living in the present. So often during my everyday life I find my mind “sleeping” in the past or the future while the present is not experienced. My experience of the present begins at Inner Peace Yoga when I walk in the door and Meghan’s smiling face and bubbly energy connects with me. I experience the often exotic scent of beautiful candles and hear the soothing sound of the waterfall. The light streaming in through the windows casts a soft glow across the corridor that leads to the space where I loose my shoes and hang my mat cover. My feet feel the comfortable texture of the carpet that leads into the studio. A buttery cork floor greets me as I scan the room and notice a foray of greenery outside the numerous windows making it appear as if the outside is coming in with me. I grab some props as I am captivated by the calming music. I stretch out on my yoga mat and begin to observe the flow of my breath and the presence of my body. I am aware of the delightfully sticky sound of bare feet traversing the floor as others enter the room and assume positions on their mats. Meghan’s comforting voice guides me through meditation, breathing and body position which all converge as one as I discover that I am in the present. Seventy minutes later I float out of the studio and into the outside world, better able to meet the challenges of my busy life in the present.
-Betsy Moore

Yoga at Inner Peace has changed my life. I was advised to practice Yoga for stress relief, and have found so much more. I have learned to breathe
(finally!) at the age of 52 and am learning to be mindful and in the moment.
I love the feeling of strength and power that flow through me as I work through the poses. After spending the past five years going to physical therapy, visiting a chiropractor and going to the gym for strength training in order to relieve the pain in my lower back, I found that strength and pain relief within three months at Inner Peace. I shed 20 years every Saturday between 10:30 and 11:30 am! I’m afraid I have been spoiled though – I have never encountered instructors as knowledgeable, professional and caring as those at Inner Peace. Each instructor and each class truly has its own flavor. The instructors work to create a feeling of non-competition and bring the focus to exploring and observing what your body can do. The spiritual aspects of Yoga are what really have been amazing to me, however.
Freeing one’s mind from daily busy-ness really results in some wonderful experiences. In closing, I say ‘thank you, Megan and staff’! You’ve become a part of my life, and a better life it is!
-Barbara DiFazio

I love going to Inner Peace yoga classes, which are held in a beautiful new studio with windows overlooking a wooded creek. The instructors are competent, motivated, and fun. No two classes are ever alike, so students are constantly learning new asanas. These are the best yoga classes I’ve ever attended in Tulsa.
-Tamera Pittman,  Spanish Teacher Union High School

I originally tried Yoga to learn new stretching techniques (my body has taken a lot of wear the last 25 years on the soccer field, and stretching is a necessity now). I am very impressed with the results, which have all been extremely positive. There have been numerous times I’ve gone to class feeling sore or tired and out of sorts and left with a positive attitude, reinvigorated. A great deal of credit goes to the teachers at Inner Peace; they are energetic, positive, and pleasantly instructive. Their enthusiasm and support for each individual in the class is very evident. I wish I’d found this place 10-15 years ago!
-Byron Henderson

A couple of winters ago, watching the professional golfers playing beautiful courses in Hawaii, I thought “what am I doing to improve my game”? It was cold and dark outside and I felt pretty out-of-shape. Being half-a-century old, I had an assortment of aches and pains and knew I wasn’t up to playing golf well enough to make me happy. A fellow at work suggested I give yoga a try. Ok, what the heck.

I went to a class and stretched out and it felt good. I went to another and the routine was completely different. Every yoga practice is a little different. One thing that is difficult to accept at yoga is that it is not competitive. Yoga stretches are to put you “in the moment” and that is what you need when you stand over a 20-foot snaking downhill putt. You have to make the next shot regardless of what has gone before or what is next.

My golf game has improved – not remarkably, but I do feel better on the course. I stand taller, my back does not ache on the 15th tee box, and disappointing shots don’t ruin the day. Since I started yoga, I did shoot a personal best 78. That score felt as good as the end of a yoga practice.
-John Turmelle, Petroleum Geologist

To all the other warm and loving people of “Inner Peace”
I thank you…for introducing me to a new dimension of living. I am a Christian, who truly seeks to put Jesus first in all that I do. I have 10 children and I home school them. I have learned what it takes to live at peace, most of the time, in my somewhat crazy life. A dear friend gave me a gift certificate to try out yoga for 6 sessions. I was skeptical at first and didn’t know what I was getting into.
I loved it so much and immediately felt the benefits with the first class.

It calms everything and defuses all stress. It empowers one to a euphoric state of being, enabling me to return to the heavy load I carry – with complete peace and a strong sense of well-being and “all’s right with the world”. Primarily consisting of deep stretches and deep breathing, it is amazing to me how it enables me to truly focus my heart on all that matters most to my life – as it clears away the fuzziness and distractions of life.

I have found Inner Peace Yoga of Tulsa to be a very ‘enlightening’ place to practice yoga. I have had the benefit of taking classes on many different levels from all of the instructors. All of the instructors make me feel very safe, in not injuring myself, but getting the most out of my practice, due to their training and focus on technique. The studio is a very ascetically beautiful and peaceful place…we are always surrounded by incense, candles, green plants, and fresh flowers, and we are fortunate to look out upon nature in each season…the snows, the squirrels and birds, and the trees. .. it is a retreat in itself. Most importantly, the practice has helped me focus on the “inner” self, not the “outer” and finding peace.
-Angela Summers, Asst. Professor of Nursing

An interesting note – As I began to do research into all that yoga is – I learned that over 25,000 Americans are now actively doing it and over half are Christians.
I would like to share with you a couple of quotes I found in my research –
“Yoga is the practice of disciplining the mind, body, and spirit to optimum capacity.”
“Yoga will enhance rather than interfere with your religious identity.”
“Yoga is the systemic method of joining all the powers of body, mind and soul to God.”
“Yoga provides focus and balance, allowing people to apply themselves more fully to all other facets of life.”
“Yoga is not a system of prayer, and practicing it does not conflict with anyone’s personal religious beliefs. Rather yoga complements a person’s faith system, by energizing the body and making space in one’s mind for focusing personal thoughts and prayers.”
And one last thought – I love the way every class ends – with the teacher saying “Namaste” and the pupils returning the greeting – which means “The Divinity in me bows to honor the divinity in you.” BEAUTIFUL!
-Toni Lee Fowler, Mother and Home school Teacher of 10

My path of recovery from anorexia and bulimia led me to yoga. Eating disorders push passions, possibilities, and people so far from periphery, but the restorative asanas of yoga helped bring my broken body and spirit back to life in a way no therapy had before succeeded. Each pose still feels like a gift – a celebration of life. Holding a more difficult pose is comparable to sitting through an urge to act out in a self defeating behavior. When I pause and breathe through my discomfort, I am reminded that all difficulty will pass.

Encouraged by my yoga-savvy therapist, I found myself at Inner Peace Yoga. It has been a year now since I have been hospitalized for my illness, and yoga has been such a vital part of that. Coming to Inner Peace and stepping on my mat is like coming home. My hour of practice, relinquishing judgment and radically accepting what the current moment holds, serves as a model for the other 23 hours of my day. My body becomes beautiful not because of its size and shape, but because of the breath it sustains, the movement it makes, the life it upholds.

I’m hardly perfect, but I accept that life is not going to be. Sometimes I still get anxious, and there are even days I have to forego going to class altogether. I don’t practice when my negative inner dialogue only wants me to go for “calorie-burning” purposes. The yogini within turns these voices off and knows that sometimes my best practice is done off the mat. I have found a new passion for life in yoga, and through Inner Peace. With the stillness I’m finding through my recovery journey, I will forever aspire to “Be The Change…”
-Christie Cassano, Actress/Singer/Yogini

Over the years my doctor listened to my descriptions of pain and stiffness, but offered nothing other than various over-the-counter pills and lotions providing temporary, symptomatic relief. The pain and stiffness worsened over the years and I finally took a friend’s advice to try yoga. I met Meghan who talked about her new yoga studio opening in October 2005. I liked the idea of starting yoga in a brand new studio. But most of all I liked Meghan’s energy, commitment and vision. Earlier, I had the notion of trying out all the studios and yoga instructors. But, as I attended each class, I encountered one dedicated, seasoned, and professional instructor after another. My first notion soon gave way to a sense of having found a yoga home. Without reservation I recommend Inner Peace Yoga for the variety of classes and dedication in each to excellence.

The finest recommendation of all…years of chronic pain have begun to melt into days without pain. Best of all, I rarely awaken with chronic pain. Namaste
-Barbara Branstetter-Retired professionally, full time yogini